An off-the-cuff Gilbert and Sullivan comedy
Melbourne’s longest-running weekly impro comedy show is ready to belt it to the cheap seats. This July, The Big HOO-HAA team are improvising their way through the musical world of Gilbert and Sullivan.
The Victorian era’s favourite operatic-comedy duo created and perfected the art of the Savoy opera, and now it’s The Big HOO-HAA! Melbourne’s turn.
Can this crew of talented improvising comedians sing up a brand-new comic operetta to rival The Pirates of Penzance? Unlikely! But they’ll be putting every ounce of their musical and singing talent to the test, using your suggestions to inspire the story.
Expect to see lords and ladies, lovers, dastardly villains, topsy-turvy situations, and everyone getting married at the end – after all, what else could you want from The Very Model of a Modern Improvised Musical?
"The cast is made up with some of Melbourne’s best acting and comedic talent… it is a night of outlandish, ridiculous fun." – Theatre People